Friday, November 18, 2011

My slight insanity

Christmas happens to be one of my favourite times of year. I love the lights, the colours, the decorations, the gift buying, the gift wrapping (yes, I am one of those sick, sick people who enjoy wrapping presents) and the general joyful feeling around this time of year. Of course it's only the middle of November and there's still about two weeks before December rolls around but I, of course, already have bought my themed gift wrap for the season. As you can see above I have chosen a colour scheme of silver and blues (with a bit of white thrown in for good measure). I have yet to purchase the clear cellophane but that will come this weekend. I've already come up with lists of who to buy what for and I have spent hours making that list as attractive as possible with little doodles and pretty pens. Of course, it's not all about the presents, I actually prefer to bake and share a cup of tea or hot chocolate with a loved one around the tree rather than receive any physical object. My love for Christmas is probably unhealthy, as is almost anything I happen to take a fancy of.

I have a bit of an obsessive nature, you see. I am in constant battle with my tendency to become consumed by things that interest me. I wholeheartedly blame my father for this. And his entire family. Once a hobby is found, or some sort of slight attraction is established they become absorbed. My father generally goes through "phases". In fact, it's so bad that friends of mine will come over and notice the music, or the movie/tv showing playing, or whatever item he has scattered across the living room and they will say, "Oh, new phase?" or "He's back on this one again, eh?". It was embarrassing when I was younger but now I don't care. Mainly because I recognize similar insanity in myself. Currently, and one that doesn't seem to be lifting, is his obsession with photography. I would go into further detail but I won't bother, there are simply no words. But like I said, it's not just my dad. All the Uptons have their "thing". My uncle has his cars, my other uncle is a hermit (that's not a joke, he lives in the wilderness up North in the middle of buttcrack nowhere aka Yellowknife). My aunt has her animals, particularly her cats, about 5 now to be exact plus a rabbit that lives in the livingroom (her house is a treat too. Cat structures along the walls, cat cut-outs in the basement door, cat designed mail box, giant cat cage in the backyard cat photographs and paintings... the list goes on however I love that quirkiness about her), my younger uncle has a thing for videogames and horrendously bad sci-fi movies (if you've been unfortunately enough to have witnessed the tragedy they called "Sky Line" then you should know that my uncle liked it enough to buy it. Enough said). And of course there's my grandmother who needs to have everything just-so. She's a clean freak, which is an understatement, and worries about every little detail possible. Details no normal human being would worry about. Like my father, she goes through phases of what she worries about. There was one year that all she was concerned with was the ply of toilet paper and God forbid you buy the wrong one for the cottage. I am not even going to get into the bizarre, cracked-out craziness of my mother's side. Maybe when I'm over the trauma I'll have the courage to write about it. :)

With all that being said I think you'll be able to forgive me for my own slight insanity. Like my obsession with Christmas. But that's not all I am fond of. I saw this in Costco a few weeks ago and I was so excited I actually took a picture of it. It's a good thing I'm not embarrassed easily because my excitement in the store was visible and I practically squealed to my mother to come have a look at it. And then I proceeded to photograph it with my crappy camera phone (which has since been upgraded, thank baby Jesus). So imagine a twenty-two year old woman standing in a packed Costco (because I am stupid enough to go in there on a Saturday), who would seemingly be normal jumping up and down yelling at her mother (who really couldn't care less) to come and have a look at the Halo themed lego. I don't know about you but that thought makes me laugh (and cry a little because it's me). My boyish side comes out when I see things like this. It's a good thing I recently re-did my room so it doesn't resemble a little boy's video game hideout. One wall was covered in video game posters. And by recently I mean a year ago.

That's not all I'm obsessed with. I also have a thing for scented items. In particular anything from Lush Cosmetics. I don't have a picture of my two "lush boxes" because I would show you if I did. Taking baths has become more like a hobby to me in the last little while and I blame Lush
for it. It's so bad that even before I started this little blog I took a photo of my bubble bath to send to a friend because the water turned blue. This I thought was exciting enough to photograph. But baths are so soothing! Don't you find? After a long day of bullshit a nice hot bath with a bath bomb or bubbles seems to make everything disappear. It's definitely my crack. Plus I like the lovely scent it leaves after I'm done.

I have many other things I am in love with. Like my cat. But I will save that for another post and I will share some pictures of my very own leopard. I figured I should give you a heads up that the blog you are reading is written by a crazy person and you all deserve fair warning of this before you start following me.

Now excuse me while I go back to work and bang my head against a desk.


1 comment:

  1. LMAO!! Does your family know that you just outed all their little secrets :) awesome!!
