Thursday, November 17, 2011

A glimpse..

I've had livejournals, many versions, many purposes, and they have always been more of an online diary rather than a blog. I suppose the only "blog" I've ever had was my travel journal from summer of 2010 which chronicled my trip to Europe and back. ( Writing about my travels was by far much more interesting than my ordinary, everyday life problems, joys, battles and loves. But after following a few online blogs of complete strangers and being quite content to follow their everyday lives I decided to start up my own. A clean slate, a new beginning, a fresh blog.

So here it is! And hi. Currently I am trying to figure out why my photo won't upload to this post but I am sure eventually I will get it. I do, afterall, work in IT and if I can't get a picture to load onto a simple blog post then I really shouldn't be in this profession. But I guess that is another discussion entirely.

Ideally I would be writing this in my sweatpants, with a cup of tea, surrounded by blankets in front of a fireplace. Unfortunately I am not in sweatpants, with a cup of tea, surrounded by blankets in front of a fireplace. I am in a cream-coloured room filled with sage-green metal shelving stocked with computers, printers, phones, monitors and other assorted technical parts. There is a constant hum from the florescent lights above me and the PCs constantly running in the adjacent room - which we call the tech shop. I'm actually in a sealed room, only those with special permissions can open these doors and I'm in a basement of a hospital. It doesn't get much better than this? Yeah. Right. I do have my homely comforts while I am here, though. I have a special shelf of my own with tea, a kettle, some nutella (which is running low) and a bag of cereal. These are the things that keep me sane from Monday - Friday, 7am - 3pm.

Such is life for me. Ordinary, simple, a step up from boring and filled with crazy dreams (hallucinations?) of a girl - a woman - with a large, insane imagination. Welcome. :)


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