Monday, November 21, 2011

It's all about the perspective

(Proof that Ontario can be beautiful :))

"You know those people who say if they won the lottery they'd still work? Well, if I won millions of dollars there is no way in hell I'd ever work again. What is wrong with you?"

This made me laugh. But at 7am, anything can make me laugh. Watching someone fall down some stairs would make me laugh. So who knows how accurate my judgement of humour is at this present time. Anyway, I think it was really the look of disgust on Cody's face as he expressed his sheer horror of the idea of someone working after winning fifty million (the example he picked). I had to agree, of course. I mean, wouldn't you quit your day job? Millions of dollars would set you for life. So why stick around at your awful desk job to get shit on by superiors, get paid pennies compared to the assholes who run the joint and work stupid hours? Only a sadistic person would sign up for that.

Given the chance I would try and change the world. Start up organizations for people in need - whether it be clean drinking water on another continent or the hungry of Ottawa. I would see everything I could see, experience the unknown, travel the world, and become a permanent wanderer of this planet. I would donate, donate, donate. I would pay off my loved ones debts, I would buy a house, I would get my sister through University and give all the luxuries I could give to the people I care about.

But maybe those people have a point. There is value in earning your money. After an interesting conversation yesterday I have thought quite a bit about the value of a dollar. Losing the sense of monetary value can cripple a person. The most important part of life is being in tune with it and maybe those people who have what seems too much may actually have too little. I always hear about those who live in poverty in third world countries are much happier than the rich in the West. It is hard to imagine that a life of starvation would bring joy but there is joy in suffering. And there is joy in community. Those people depend on one another, a foreign concept to our culture which is all about individual gain and success. I think I would rather choose happiness over wealth and prosperity. It is all about perspective, I suppose. Just like beauty. What wealth is to some, isn't to others.


  1. I think I would keep working. Tough call though. I always read about people who win and quit their jobs and then did themselves bored. I can think of a lot I could do with 50 million though :)
