Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An elephant in a china shop

(Photo taken by Anjuli, in NYC, and her caption reads: "Had to keep this photo for the flailing arms and the facial expression." Note: I am the flailing arms)

I've always admired women who were born with the ability to be gentle, graceful and elegant, who could walk smoothly, in a straight line and with a subtle beauty. Grace and elegance were never mine. Not even a little. I zigzag down the sidewalk (don't worry, it's not bad enough that people think I'm drunk), I drag my feet, and I sort of clunk around. I am also very expressive with my hands when I talk which can lead to disaster. So I am not the picturesque woman, you would not have me attend a ball as a débutante (although I know someone who has) and I wouldn't be a candidate for any kind of beauty pageant or anywhere requiring me to walk gracefully. Sometimes my mother will quip about regretting not putting me in etiquette school. I'm pretty sure I am an embarrassment to my family and if I were the kind of person to embarrass easily... I don't blame them. In fact, I am so clumsy that I often find mysterious bruises on my legs from walking into things and not even noticing.

I think a part of the problem is my carefree nature, sometimes. And I know some of you are laughing at that statement because I can be a total spaz-case. But carefree in the sense that sometimes I don't take my surroundings seriously. I am loud and don't care, I flail my arms about like a lunatic when talking, and I walk without looking. In an earlier post I already told you that I crashed on my way to work. What I didn't tell you is that it happened twice, two days in a row and I would use the excuse that it was slippery out but I was wearing winter boots.

The photo above looks like I'm about to hug Andre. Truth is, that's just me talking. And probably not about anything important although it looks like I'm trying to tell him someone is dying and needs help. With that photo in mind I'll tell you about my Christmas shopping escapade last night. And my heart feels for poor Gil who had to stand by my side as I yet again embarrass her and the people around me.

I've discussed nail polish. I've discussed my clumsy nature. Now combine the two. There's a store that I like, Trade Secrets, as it has all kinds of OPI goodness. The new store opened up at the downtown mall in Ottawa so Gil, who shares my love of this store, convinces (she really had to twist my arm) me to go in and have a look around. And as always we pick up all kinds of nail polish and test it on pieces of tape stuck to our hands, and all is well. Until I go to put a particular colour back. I'm not really sure what happened next. As I was turning it somehow flew out of my hands (and I mean flew) and shot clean across the space between me and the wall. Glass everywhere. Nail polish everywhere. A very red, embarrassed Gillian standing behind me and two store clerks calmly looking at the mess. And of course the dreaded silence that ensued for about 30 seconds as my gasp hung in the air. It is a good thing I don't embarrass easily and the two cashiers weren't too concerned so I didn't need to pay for the smashed nail polish. Although we both felt so bad we ended up buying a few things anyway, which I had planned on doing for some small Christmas presents anyway.

So never go anywhere in public with me if you embarrass easily. It usually ends in some kind of mess. The nail polish incident is not the first and not the last stunt I will pull.

As a side note, please vote for me! I am a huge dreamer and I love to travel. I am always imagining my next trip and because I am now somewhat broke, that won't be for a long time unless I win this contest. So cast a vote, only takes a moment! If the site is being difficult, check back later. :)

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