Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Nebraskan Jaunt

(Photo Credit: Google Images - Andy Lim)

As beautiful and ceremonious as they are - many people hate weddings. Probably because it reminds them of their own misery, whether it be loneliness or some kind of hatred towards the opposite sex and the idea of "forever". I, on the other hand, like weddings. I will agree that the cost of a wedding is outrageous and unnecessary and there is definitely too much emphasis on the whole "show" of it all but I like it all the same. I can't help but look at wedding themes and dresses and rings and venues and food and decoration... it's attractive. Especially to a woman in her 20s and during wedding season. Most female friends of mine also spend some of their time surfing the web browsing through wedding websites and photos. The market is definitely geared towards women - to suck us into believing we need the whole she-bang to be happy and have the perfect day. And as much as I've admitted to being a victim of all the advertising... my own wedding will probably not resemble anything like the fairytale TLC broadcasts or the picturesque image has created. Hopefully, someday, my own wedding will reflect what I witnessed this past weekend - a couple truly dedicated to one another, binding themselves as one under the authority of God in love and devotion.

The ceremony was beautiful. Amanda glowed as she floated down the isle and the pure joy on Scott's face will forever be ingrained in my memory. Young couple, young romance, but a romance that will stand the tests of time, I am certain of it. There was no question of doubt or uncertainty in their minds, it was obvious they knew they were meant to be. The pastor's speech was not for the congregation but rather for the bride and groom. It was personal, it was heartfelt, and it was honest. The words he spoke were true. He discussed the highs and lows of a marriage, the reality that not always things will be perfect, and he drove home the importance of love and co-operation. The submission of a wife to her husband and in turn, the submission of the husband to his wife. No one likes the words submission and I am one of them. The idea of submitting to someone else irks me and immediately I am uncomfortable. I blame the era for this - the individualistic mentality of society and the greed which surrounds it. Despite this discomfort, it's true. When marrying someone you are putting someone else first. You are committing to being one person - a whole - and that takes submission. It was beautifully said. The pastor's words to Scott were, "This is a serious calling - The Bible is calling you to love your wife the way Jesus loves his church...which means to lay down your life for her's as Jesus died for his people". That statement hit hard. The truth of it was moving as I sat there and realized that Scott would willingly die for Amanda in a heartbeat. The tears were swelling in my eyes and I noticed Brittany sniffling away beside me. It was beautiful.

My short trip to Nebraska was engulfed by the wedding - we didn't really do much except browse the mall and hang out with Amanda, but that is exactly what I wanted it to be. I wanted it to be a trip dedicated to a friend who was making the ultimate sacrifice - marriage. She gave herself up as an individual to be united with Scott forever. That is one of the most admirable acts one can witness and I don't think many people realize the importance of such an act. I know I didn't until this weekend.

As an aside, my baby died a year ago today. I thought long and hard about whether I would write a post dedicated to him or not and I decided not. Just a small tribute at the end of an uplifting message to let him know I haven't forgotten. I miss you everyday, Ginger, you were my little furry life companion. xox

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