Friday, January 25, 2013

OOoohhh Gravity...

(Image taken from Google)

John Mayer says it best sometimes. I want gravity to stay the hell away from me - as far away as possible. Adam said it in the car the other day, "I feel as if the world is crashing around me, everything is so unstable". And he's right - those words echo my everyday thoughts. There's an economic career crash in Ottawa, jobs are being lost left, right and center. At every turn a department is going through cutbacks - another person is on unemployment insurance. As this is happening I wonder if my generation will ever experience the loyalty of a secure job - the loyalty of a company. My older co-workers have all put their 15, 20, 30 years into the hospital and they will be rewarded upon retirement with a solid pension and the years they invested. I have a feeling this will not be the same in the future. There is an entire generation of young, fresh, graduates waiting to take on the world and only being offered minimum wage positions - if that. Most of the young population suffers the fate of the cartoon in this post.

I am very fortunate. Unlike the image above, I am not in any kind of serious debt (okay, so my VISA has a couple of bucks on it from a minor shopping addiction I may or may not have.... big deal) but thousands of dollars in the negatives is beyond my comprehension. But the reality is that many are feeling the effects of student loan. With no job prospects, a heavy debt, and very little hope of a secure career, they are being forced to move back home and numbed into acceptance of the jobless world. It's sad that our generation is not encouraged, the future of this country depends on us and yet very little is being done to improve the situations. More and more jobs are more demanding - either you're under qualified because no one is willing to give you experience or you're over-qualified because you've been let go from a previous, more prosperous position. Canadians, and especially Ontarians, can't seem to win. One degree isn't good enough anymore. Thousands of dollars spent, four years of agonizing study, and at the end to be rewarded with a paper that still doesn't qualify you for real life. The majority of graduates walk away and into positions unrelated to their degrees. I often consider my own time at University more of a hobby study than anything else simply because I'm not hire-able based on it. There are moments where I feel that I flushed close to $30K down the toilet. Of course I would always encourage education as I feel it is truly a gift and privilege many go without but it's hard not to be discouraged.

I'm curious to see the progression over the next few years. Cost of living rising, hardly an increase in minimum wage, and real estate exploding, I'm anxious to see the results. I truly hope Ottawa - and not just Ottawa, but Canada in general - can pick up the pieces and restore hope to it's youth. Remember, government, you'll be dependent on us one day.