Monday, July 23, 2012

Dipping my toes in the water...

(Photo Credit: King's College Chapel - found on Google Images :))

What a beautiful piece of architecture. Much less boring than the schools we have kicking around Canada - last time I checked Carleton didn't look like a fortress or a medieval church. Although King's College is only a place I could dream of attending, being an Ivy League equivalent my guess is that an average student from Ottawa, Ontario wouldn't be so welcome there. Such is life.

Although, there are other Universities that may consider my only average grades. So I suppose here this latest update of my ever-changing life: I am applying for my Master's in England. Yes, I may spend close to $40,000. Yes, I may pack up and move across the ocean for a year. Yes, I may be giving up my permanent, full-time job with benefits and 4 weeks vacation.Yes, I may put myself through torture even the Spanish Inquisition couldn't imagine. Yes, I may be giving up my dream of being a home owner for at least the next few years. Yes, I am that crazy.

And... that's that?

No, not really. Going overseas to the UK has been a dream I've never fully forgotten since as long as I can remember. With my horrendous experience last year applying to Carleton's graduate program in Anthropology I had basically given up and figured my grades wouldn't be accepted anywhere and I wasn't really looking to be rejected like that again. (When I say rejected, it wasn't just a nice formal letter in the mail ((which I didn't even receive)), it was a full confrontation from the vice-president of Anthropology Graduate studies in which she accused me of late application (which I hadn't), of being an idiot for trying, and wasting her time because she "had better things to do"). Don't mistake the word "confrontation" to mean that I battled with her. Unlike my usual character, I let her rip me apart as I stood in her doorway after, very nicely, asking when we would be receiving acceptance or rejection letters. Probably one of the worst experiences with administration I've ever had (and I basically work in an administration environment). As far as I'm concerned, that woman should be fired for not only being unprofessional but attacking an undergraduate student (verbally) during her final month of 4th year University. Last time I checked, it is the students who pay her salary. But this is an entirely different rant that maybe I'll post another day. (Sue McColeman, if you happen to be reading this, I'm sure you're interested and I will have to tell you about it sometime).

But, I digress! It turns out, a B average isn't so bad in the UK! I signed up with an organization called "Study Across the Pond" which sets up students with advisers who help guide and facilitate the application process. According to my assigned advisor I not only have a fighting chance of acceptance but even a, dare I say, good chance. Now it's time to decide where to go and the options are endless.

So, I haven't given up! With the... prompting of a special boyfriend of mine, I've decided not to let that evil woman destroy my confidence, especially since someone I've never met, who's only seen my grades and resume has a spark of hope for me. So fingers crossed and here's to possible adventures!

Now time to find reference letters.... this should be oh-so-joyous.