Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Brainsss, brainsss, BRAINNSSS

(Photo Credit: The Walking Dead TV Series)

My inner tomboy just can't get enough of blood, guts, gore and violence. I know I blame my father a lot in this blog, but this too is his fault. At the age of 3 I was sitting on his lap as he encouraged me to take the controller in my little baby hands and "shoot down the Nazis" in my WWII fighter plane. I'm pretty sure this is not the normal childhood upbringing for a little girl but none-the-less this is how mine started and has continued. And so here I am now, engulfed in a new TV series, The Walking Dead, and also anxiously awaiting the new Resident Evil movie. I know zombies are now popular, everyone seems to be into them and everywhere I look there's zombie merchandise. Zombie books, zombie movies, zombie TV shows, zombie T-Shirts... you name it, it's there and zombie themed. I would like to take a moment and express that before they were popular they were part of my interest as a kid and killing them in video games was fun (Only if they die, I can't stand games with enemies you can't kill).

My imagination is a wild place and lately (which isn't out of the ordinary, I just had put these thoughts on a back burner for a while) I have been dreaming up situations in the event of a zombie apocalypse. I am sure I would be among the first to die. But in case I wasn't I feel like there are a few places that would be good for shelter, for a little while anyway. My stock room is actually very secure. No windows, only a door pass can let you in, and granted that no zombified staff who know how to use their hospital pass can get it, I'd be safe. The tunnels in this hospital could actually be used in a zombie movie. There are wires hanging, open ceilings, dripping pipes, awful smells, spiders, mice... all the lovely things you'd find in a sci-fi/horror flick. Every so often I half expect an undead to stumble out from around a corner. Of course, surviving in the Civic would be hard, it's full of sketchy places, too many people, and not enough food. I think a good plan of action would be to keep on the move until some sort of protected civilization is found - if that exists. But in order to survive I would have to convince myself there was. Because I am lame and nerdy I took one of the online "Which Walking Dead Character Are You?" tests. This is what it said:

"Based on your choices you are: RICK
You tend to be two steps ahead. Strong and determined, you believe in the inherent good in people - even if they sometimes prove you wrong. You balance what's best for the group with your own personal safety but often prioritize collective needs over your own. To your detriment, you cling to a humanity that may be irrelevant in this new world."

Sound accurate? Maybe a little. Rick's the leader of the group, not sure I would end up in that role but knowing my pig-headed stubbornness and my inability to cooperate with stupidity... probably. I always imagine it would be and my friends/family against the hordes but every game/movie/book I've played/seen/read it is always a group of randoms who are forced together. Depending on who those randoms are, I may choose a quick death over trying to survive the outbreak stuck with a bunch of lunatics. I would need a shotgun for sure. And a machete. A large axe would also be useful. And any other type of weapon I could find. Not that I'm skilled in the art of weaponry or anything. The only training I have is shooting a pellet gun (turns out I have decent aim) and I took fencing when I was 13. That stopped after I managed to stab the instructor in the neck under the helmet.

So if there's a zombie outbreak and it's the end of the world, the extinction of humanity... you may find me locked up in the stockroom at either the General or the Civic, hording weapons and food. So if you aren't infected, aren't a moron, and consume little.. you can maybe join me.